The Process to Become a Royal
I'm happy that you asked.
Is there someone that you would like to nominate to become a Royal?
Someone perhaps that you think deserves his or her own kingdom?
Well, you have come to the right place.
In most cases, You plan the party or the festivities for the day or evening. Then we show up at the appointed time, so we are a surprise.
As the music plays, we make our Grand Entrance and announce
Why are we there?
We talk, verbally engage with our captive audience, and have the crowned person come up and begin the mini Ceremony.
After the appropriate vows are said, depending on the Royal to-be and party age group and package taken into consideration, we get on with the Royal Crowning.
If this is for children, there is a different format taken, which includes The Mini Ceremony, story time, dance time, mini princess lessons, etc., and very soon, we will be hosting the parties at our own venue.
For adults, it is more straightforward, with lots of fun for all. Especially if we are to have a Royal Crowning or Dubbing of a group of friends all being crowned at the same time. More on that later.
And don't forget, you can get your very own kingdom depending on which package you choose and purchase.
More on that in a bit.
We will be adding local Party Planning and Event Services in the near future.
Coming up are "Princess Crowning Dance Parties" and more.
Our Own Mini Party Palace Is Here!!!
Visit us often.
The Length of Our Ceremonies
The Adult Ceremony can take as little as 10 minutes or as much as 20 to 30 minutes. It all depends on the Audience Participation, Your time schedule, and
How Many are to become Royals?
Please don't forget... The point of the ceremony is to Receive Your Own Kingdom and all the good stuff that goes with it.
Once you're in... you're in forever.
That's Right. This program is Generational. More on that later.
Individual Ceremonies for Children can take as little as 15 minutes in a home or restaurant setting. By the time your food arrives, your child can become Real Live Royalty.
At a Children's party, we are there as the entertainment, and it is not unusual to stay 2 hours - 2 1/2 hours depending on which party package is chosen. This is when mom can relax and enjoy the party as we keep the party going either at your place or ours.
Please see our agenda for party mix-ins.
Our Tiaras and Scepters are Not Toys.
Our Tiaras carry some serious weight and are of excellent quality.
These Tiaras are Pageant Quality.
Our Availability
We are available for all events.
Advertising and grand openings. Festivals, fairs, TV and radio appearances, Schools, the office, clubs, the gym, and other social events. Remember us for fundraisers and corporate events also.
Don't forget us for personal birthdays, mother's and father's day, anniversaries and holiday gift giving time, weddings, showers, and banquets.
Family reunions, too.
Right Now, we are Crowning Royals in Northern Bergen County, New Jersey, and Rockland County, NY.
By Spring 2025, we plan to take it on the road, visiting other counties and states in the good old USA, Crowning anyone who feels that they too should become Real Live Royalty.
Please see our pricing page for Royalty Packages.
Then call us for pricing. Prices this good must be kept locked away in the tower. You can come to our design studio/showroom to hear all about A Royal Affaire® Crowning Ceremonies, or we can come to you.
P.S. Don't Be Shy.
If you feel that You should Become The Royalty that You were Always Meant to Be, Just Call Us. We will Keep it Under our Crowns and make your Crowning Nomination Ceremony a Secret to all in Royal Fashion.
You will have your Mini Ceremony with all of the Royal Gifts delivered right there in front of everyone, and you will Be Royalty in Your Kingdom Forever.
Generational Program
All Right. Did I hear someone say something about being Generational? Yes, I did.
Once You become a Royal, You and Your Descendants are Royal.
If you have children, they become royal by blood. When you marry and if you are already a Princess or a Goddess, guess what? You then become a Queen, and your Husband, too, - becomes a King. Of course, you must both have your new Crowning Ceremony, and he must get his certificate and royal goodies. But by now, you understand how it works.
Plus, we keep track of everyone in your Kingdom. All of those ladies in Waiting and Knights are in your wedding party. All of those Guests at your wedding are now Your Townspeople; they are part of your Kingdom and Perhaps starting their own Kingdom.
It just goes on and on.
Oh, This is So Much Fun.
And You started it all by deciding to become a Royal.
Oh, and you don't have to get married to become royal and receive your very own kingdom. See our packages and give us a call.
We have Instant Kingdoms available where You pick who is in Your Kingdom. The most fun is seeing your friends and families faces when You Give the Royal Orders and Tell them what part they play in Your Kingdom.
Are they the dressmaker, candlestick-maker, or the grocer? Perhaps the royal chambermaid, cook, royal court jester, or musical announcement.
Not only that, but they can not refuse His or Her Majesty. It's so much fun.

Our Modes of Royalty
King, Queen, Goddess, Princess, Prince, Duke, Duchess, Diva Royal, Master, Lord, Emperor, His Royal P.I.A., Empress,
Her Royal Bitchiness,
Ladies -in-Waiting, Knights,
The Royal Court Jester, The Royal Wizard,
Her Royal Majesty Grand-ma,
His Royal Highness, Grandpa, and more.
Remember, We're Not Just Parties. We will make Any Event, whether it is for just one person or several hundred people, the Event of the Century.
We are a complete party program like no other.
Call us for an appointment to show you all about
A Royal Affaire®. We can come to you, or,
You can come to our beautiful studio/showroom/mini party palace located in Paramus N.J. and see firsthand how you can become a Royal for Real.
(we do not list the address because we are quite often out of the palace, so we will usually work by appointment only. Please let us know when you wish to come by, and we will be there.)
"A Royal Affaire®...
Where Owning Your Own Kingdom Doesn't Cost
Your Crown and Your Jewels."
Our Favorite Royal Movies
Our Recent Royals
We Welcome Thee.
Official Fairy Godmother to the Throne, Lynne Shelley
To The Royal Family of Dunn