About Us
A Royal Affaire® began development in 1989 and then snowballed from there. Francesca, A Royal Affaire® - Designer and Founder, decided that she wasn't going to be stepped on any longer. No sir. So she did what any person with the title of doormat would do. She got a better title and a bigger door and became a self-proclaimed princess. After all, that's what her necklace said. Princess. Actually, it said" Italian Princess."
Then, her niece was born, and by the time the child was talking, the child had decided that she was a princess.
Now, what to do? Francesca decided that if you can't beat 'em, Get Something Better, and so Francesca became a Goddess, and the rest is history. In between a string of accidents, A Royal Affairs® was tweaked and pampered. Each time, it becomes better and more beautiful. Francesca did a few Test dubs (Crowning Ceremonies) and realized just where she needed to adjust, take away, or fill in. This took a very long time but... The end result is nothing short of amazing. Be watching for A Royal Affaire® to come to a town near you. We'll be there soon To make you The royalty that you always knew you were meant to be.
PS. You can also come to us.
A Royal Affaire®
Crowning Ceremonies
We will come to your party to Crown and Dub Thee Royal. You see...
We are the addition that you will not find anywhere in any other celebration plan. You want your event to pop. To have that little extra something... A Main Event, if you will. As We Are The Only Royalty Maker Anywhere ... We Are The Main Event! At Your Main Event.
A Royal Affaire® Crowning Ceremonies Dubs Children, Adults, and Pets Too. That's Right. Their very own coronation ceremony is just for them.
Remember Us For Fundraisers Too.
What a nice way to raise money for a worthy cause and still be able to give people what they want. Like their own kingdom?
Go Ahead... Crown Them Royal. They'll Be Glad You Did.
Mama says... "If you're going to have an affair - Have A Royal Affaire®."

Queen Theresa and Princess Baby

Here is Princess - and Now She is a Real Live Princess.

King Frank "Teaches With Class"
Through Imagination, Knowledge, and Fun. We arrived and held the Ceremony right in his Classroom. All the Children loved it and had a fun time seeing their wonderful teacher become a Royal. Happy Birthday, King Frank.

Be watching for our Computer and Phone Apps and Games.
Coming Soon. For those of you out of the area, ask us about Skyping your mini crowning ceremony.
Huge Surprise, just huge. We have just received our newest US Registered Mark.
We are now the proud owners of:
"Crowning Ceremonies In A Box ®."
Now you can relieve your Crowning Ceremony over and over again and receive all of the Royal Goodies that go with it. Photo coming soon.
Remember Us For
Remember... From 1 To 1001, There's A Royal Affaire® For Everyone.
Remember Us For
Remember... From 1 To 1001, There's A Royal Affaire® For Everyone.